Desert Greener has been getting a lot of attention lately, but not all of it is positive. Some people think it’s a good website to invest while others worry it might be a multi-level marketing scheme. There are a lot of accusations and mixed opinions about the company. The question on everyone’s mind is ” Desert Greener a scam or legit.

The Truth About Desert Greener Sale
Desert greener is an MLM crypto scheme that promises returns on high investments, it’s not a scam at lest not yet. The truth is they don’t sell anything tangible. Instead, you’re asked to invest Euros in their DGRX token, which you can use to buy NFTs that claim to offer returns. They also keep a portion of your commissions and require you to buy more tokens. DGRX is just an ERC20 token, which means it’s inexpensive and easy to create.
There’s no proof that Desert Greener is actually generating any revenue to support these promised returns.
How Does Desert Greener Make Money
They earn money by attracting new investors through affiliate marketing. The more new people sign up, the more money they make.
Red Flags
Not Financial Regulators In Sight
Desert Greener hasn’t registered with any financial regulators. This absence of oversight could mean they are involved in security fraud.
Money Flows Through Malta
The scheme sends money through Malta, a country with loose rules on multi-level marketing (MLM) and cryptocurrency scams. This might be a way to avoid getting caught.
Ponzi Scheme Tactics
Desert Greener offers cheap DGRX tokens to new members as long as new investments keep coming in. This is a typical Ponzi scheme method, where the returns paid to earlier investors come from the money of new investors, not from actual profits.
Links To Onecoin
Desert Greener is connected to OneCoin, a known Ponzi scheme that failed in 2017. The same law firm that supported OneCoin is now involved with Desert Greener, which raises concerns about their legitimacy.
Lacks Leadership
The company is run by Carl Al Waldstein, who disappeared from social media in 2021. This lack of visibility is a red flag.
Should You Invest In Desert Greener
Considering the warning signs and shady marketing, it’s best to steer clear of Desert Greener. The potential rewards might sound tempting, but the risks are too high. Getting your friends involved could hurt your relationships if the scheme collapses. Unless you’re okay with a lot of uncertainty, it’s safer to avoid this investment.
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