Gosplitty.com is a total bait and switch booking agency. The rates advertised online vanish when you contact them, and they offer you a higher price instead. They give you a confirmation number and wait until the day before you arrival and cancel your Reversations then they blame “technical issues” for not honoring the original price. Here’s what we discovered.

Here is a little TDRL
- Go splitty takes your payment and claims your booking is confirmed.
- Few days before your arrival they cancel your booking.
- When you call for a refund, they don’t answer or give your money back.
The Truth About Gosplitty.com
Gosplitty.com offers you discounted hotel rooms and allows bookings in various cities all over the world. They don’t actually provide any service Instead, they charge your card and then aggressively fight any attempts to get your money back because these fake charges are how they make money. If you check the Better Business Bureau, you’ll see lots of complaints about people being billed without ever getting the service.
What We Noticed
We noticed on their website that there are reviews from people who haven’t gone on the trip yet. Reviews on Trustpilot also seem suspicious, with 62% being 5-star and 30% being 1-star.
Secondly, when you go to checkout with them, they add extra fees, so the price ends up being the same as booking directly through the hotel’s website. Go splitty operates a classic bait and switch scam.
Thirdly, they cancel reservations without informing customers. To make matters worse, most of the booked rooms are either canceled or the hotel has shut down.
Is Gosplitty Booking Agency Legit?
It doesn’t seem very trustworthy. Lots of customers who have used this service are calling them a total rip off, they do not have an existing customer service nor do they offer refunds. Here is a report:
This website appears to be fraudulent. I made a reservation through the site and contacted the hotel a week later to confirm my booking, only to discover that they had no record of my reservation. Fortunately, I spoke with the manager, forwarded the confirmation email I received from the website, and she offered me a more favorable rate. Consequently, I will be initiating a chargeback.
Do We Recommend It
No, They lure customers in with seemingly good deals, only to trap them with incorrect bookings and a no-refund policy. In all, we don’t recommend third party booking websites because when things go south, you stand no chance of finding them or holding them accountable for misrepresentation, and in cahoots with hotels involved. Also the website are GoSplitty makes use of splitty and traveluro interchangeably.
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