Did you receive a call or voicemail that says you have pre authorized a purchase of PlayStation five special edition from your Walmart account? Beware! It’s a scam.
More than five hundred people have recently received phone calls and voicemails allegedly from Walmart about a pre-authorized PlayStation5 and headset purchase. The scam call further prompts receivers to press one in order to cancel or speak with a customer representative.
Here’s an excerpt;
Hey, this is Paul from Walmart. A pre- authorized purchase of PlayStation five With special edition and pulse 3-D headset is being ordered from your Walmart account For an amount of $919.45. To cancel your order or to connect with one of our customer support representatives Please press one

What is the Walmart Playstation 5 Scam?
The Walmart PlayStation2 scam is a social engineering scam from fraudsters attempting to win your trust and trick you into voluntarily disclosing your Walmart account details. The scammers pretend to be Walmart customer representatives and might sound harmless, however it’s a tactic to make people lower their guards.
How The Scam Works
Once the recipient returns the call, the fraudster would pretend to be a Walmart Customer representative and request for Walmart login. Once the Walmart login details is provided, the fraudster would take over the Walmart.com account by changing the password — locking out the owner completely.
Then the saved payment information — such as credit card numbers or bank account details — would be used to place orders without the owner’s knowledge or consent. This is a Walmart account takeover fraud.
The fraudster won’t stop with fraudulent purchases. They might also steal victims personal information and use the details to apply for loans or credit cards.
Spotting The Red Flags
- The call doesn’t come from the official Walmart customer service number – 1-800-925-6278 (1-800-WALMART).
- Walmart will never ask you for your credit card details or account details. In case of suspicious transactions they’d only ask you to verify your address, email or telephone number
- The exact call for PlayStation5 purchase has been reported by more than five hundred people. This shows it’s a scam and not just a random call.
- The notification does not appear when recipients check their Walmart account on Walmart.com
Here’s what to do If you get a strange call or voicemail from someone pretending to work at Walmart.
- Do not call back no matter how convincing the voice sounds
- Verify on Walmart.com to see if there’s any notification or alert on your profile.
- Block The Sender Number. You can do this by flagging the telephone number as spam.
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